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F*** the World Album Cover, by Brent Faiyaz.
Brent Faiyaz
Reviewed 27 Feb 2024Released 07 Feb 2020

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Brent Faiyaz has a distinct sound and voice that shines through this album, demonstrated by its nearly half a billion peak listens. The themes Faiyaz works into his music aren't the most fitting for a site like this one, but that is part of why he is as successful as he is. His music reflects themes of toxic relationships, a distinction that has created somewhat of a 'meme' culture surrounding his music (due to his distinctly toxic lyricism). His skill can not be denied, however.
Favorite Song(s)
CloudedF*** The WorldRehab
Bryology Album Cover, by The Moss.
The Moss
Reviewed 27 Feb 2024Released 12 Jul 2019
AlternativeIndie Rock

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The Moss has a special ability making music in a wide range of styles. My other favorite from them is the single 'Willie's Song', which is considered reggae. This album, on the other hand, is an alt rock/indie rock inspired album that I highly recommend you give a listen. Not only do they sound great and masterfully craft an amazing ambience with the music, they also did an amazing job with the lyricism (i.e. on 'Celebrate'). Highly recommend, great vibe.
Favorite Song(s)
CelebrateSalt Lake City (Girl)The Mood
BALLADS 1 Album Cover, by Brent Faiyaz.
Reviewed 27 Feb 2024Released 26 Oct 2018
Contemporary R&BPop

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With over 1 billion listens, this album speaks for itself in terms of quality. Perhaps most surprisingly, this was Joji's debut album. Joji has a very unique sound and style that, I believe, does as well as it does thanks to the distinctly vulnerable lyrics he lays atop music with a very specific somber atmosphere, producing an almost 'cathartic' sort of sound. All this to say, Joji mastered the art of displaying and evoking emotion.
Favorite Song(s)
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Plato: Five Dialogues book cover.
Reviewed 06 Mar 2025Published 01 Oct 2002

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A solid classic that is definitely worth the read. Surprisingly, this book wasn't as difficult of a read as I expected it to be, so props go out to the translator (Grube). Each dialogue covers a different moral or ethical topic. Of the five, I found Apology to be exceptionally monotonous but Phaedo to be very memorable (mostly thanks to the tragic nature of Socrates death). If you're a fan of philosophy, this is a must read.
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Meditations on First Philosophy book cover.
Rene Descartes
Reviewed 10 Mar 2025Published 01 Oct 1993

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Probably my favorite classic thus far. Much like The Myth of Sisyphus, the Meditations on First Philosophy have somewhat of a pop-philosophy following thanks to the 'I think, therefore I am' principle. However, I think these essays go so much further into the very interesting concept of what can be known and what can not. Though he makes his argument as a case for the existence of God, it still remains a series of exceptionally interesting thought experiments (and some say he was actually areligious). Highly recommend as an introductory philosophy book.
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The Myth of Sisyphus Book Cover.
Albert Camus
Reviewed 31 Jan 2024Published 01 Oct 1942

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A great read if you are especially interested in the philosophy of existence. In 'The Myth of Sisyphus', Camus attempts to rationalize human existence on the basis of the absurdity of existence itself. While it was a very interesting read, the classical nature of these essays paired with Camus French background made for a relatively difficult read. Besides that, Camus and I disagree on issues of morality & ethics. Regardless, a good read for philosophy lovers or those that have ever struggled with thoughts of suicide.
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Cover art of for the game.
Reviewed 06 Jan 2024Released 26 Oct 2018
WesternAction Adventure

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As far as games go, this may be one of the most, if not THE most, perfect game ever crafted. The developers at RockStar hit unbelievable highs with this title. Mechanically, the game is fun and has many unique but refined features you wont find in other games, especially not at this level of quality. Visually, their graphical updates have made this game an absolute beauty. Most importantly, the story could make a grown man cry (it did). Absolutely phenomenal, through and through. Might seem a little slow in the middle, but hang on for the ride. You definitely will not regret it.
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Cover art of for the The Last of Us.
Reviewed 01 Mar 2024Released 14 Jun 2013
Post-ApocalypticAction Adventure

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I am and have always been a big fan of Naughty Dog. I grew up playing all of the Uncharted games, a series near and dear to my heart. Thus, I wasn't too surprised by their ability to hit a home run with this title. Phenomenal gameplay mechanics (especially for the time), great visuals and world design, one of the best backstories to any zombie media I've encountered, and (most importantly) a really, really good story. A story so good, TLOU will leave you questioning right and wrong on a fundamental level. Strong recommend.
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Cover art of for Pokémon Colosseum.
Reviewed 01 Mar 2024Released 22 Mar 2004
FightingAction Adventure

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I am trying my best not to let nostalgia affect my rating on this one. However, I solemnly believe this is the best Pokémon game ever created. Yes, it doesn't have many catch-able Pokémon. Yes, you can't catch wild Pokémon. Yes, it's quite dated. Despite all of that, this game stands as the most memorable to me. The soundtrack is marvelous, like in the boss battles; the themes are more mature and darker than typical Pokémon games, which I think is awesome; the non-standard starters are refreshing; and the character and world design is much cooler and more mature than any other Pokémon game I've played. Strongly recommend if you enjoy Pokémon and haven't played this one yet.
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Cover art for Everything Everywhere All at Once.
Reviewed 27 Feb 2024Released 11 Mar 2022

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Everything Everywhere All at Once would be too difficult to describe in the short-form reviews that I write on this site. It's a chaotic movie, filled with odd concepts and odd scenes, squashed together into a montage of absurdity. Despite the goofy comedy the movie explicitly aims for, I think Kwan and Scheinert, alongside the entire cast, managed to make a very special movie that is especially moving. There is one line from this movie that still gets me to do this day. I think if you give it a watch, you will know exactly which one that is.
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Cover art for Black Swan.
Reviewed 27 Feb 2024Released 18 Oct 2010

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Black Swan will have you wanting—but unable—to take your eyes off the screen the entire duration of the movie. Thats not exactly accurate, actually. In typical Aronofsky fashion, the movie has an innocent beginning and you wouldn't guess it was a thriller unless you had seen the promotional art for it. Like Requiem for a Dream, Aronofsky uses a great deal of body and psychological horror to keep you both engaged and wishing you weren't.
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Cover art for The Prestige.
Reviewed 27 Feb 2024Released 20 Oct 2006

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I must admit—I am a huge fan of Nolan (like most people). This film is true to Nolan's classic modus operandi. It will have you trying to guess what trick, what underlying puzzle, what great plot twist is Nolan going to pull out for this one. On that front, the movie delivers (hopefully this doesn't count as a spoiler). Kept me and my friends on the edge of our seats the entire time we watched through. A mystery very much worth watching alone or with a group.
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Headphones from Amazon
Reviewed 31 Jan 2024Released 04 Nov 2012
Product Type(s)

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I have been using the same pair of headphones for about 6 years now. These are those headphones. Besides changing out the pads every so often, these things have handled it all perfectly. I could not even begin to count the number of times these headphones fell on the ground in the most violent fashion possible and somehow every single time they were entirely unaffected. Sound is solid. Expect a massive soundstage & great mids + highs at the cost of deep bass. Great for games in which you may need to hear footsteps.
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Main cover art for Devs.
Reviewed 27 Feb 2024Released 05 Mar 2020

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Devs is a unique and moving show that appears on its face to be a relatively cookie-cutter sci-fi mini-series. While it does have many classic sci-fi themes, I think Devs makes itself unique by applying them in interesting ways and for interesting reasons (which don't become apparent until the end of the show). I also appreciate the show's dedication to involving real scientific theorems, even if in unscientific ways. On the downside, I think the romance-related themes didn't land very well. Besides that, its a great cast (personal fan of Nick Offerman and Sonoya Mizuno is also in Maniac), a great plot, and a great watch.
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Main cover art for Maniac.
Reviewed 27 Feb 2024Released 21 Sep 2018

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Somewhat like "The End of the F***ing World", this show find its success in its simultaneously unserious and grave contrasting tones. Maniac grapples with addiction, mental health, depression, and failure through fever dream-like scenes as we navigate through the minds of Owen Milgrim and Annie Landsberg (Jonah Hill and Emma Stone, who both did a phenomenal job with this one). It will have you laughing all throughout and tearing up towards the end. Short and binge-able, highly recommend.
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Main cover art for The End of the F***ing World.
Reviewed 27 Feb 2024Released 24 Oct 2017

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This show toes the line between un-seriously goofy and depressingly real in a way you'll have a hard time finding elsewhere. An odd-ball of a show about two odd-ball characters with odd-ball goals that is somehow relatable (only at times) and concludes in a sad but beautiful way. If its one thing that is certain, it is that this show will make you feel strongly. Feel what, exactly, is another question all-together. It's short and binge-able, highly recommend.
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